Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Student Perspectives: Interviews with Current UBC Law Students

Malcolm and Nikki before the Law Halloween Party
Next up is Malcolm Funt!

Name: Malcolm Funt
Year: 2L incoming
Age: 22
Hometown: Vancouver

What did you do before law school?
I came straight from undergrad at McGill. I majored in Finance and took concentrations in U.S. History and Economics. I went on exchange to Copenhagen, an amazing experience that I would recommend to anyone. (UBC Law has an awesome exchange program).

What area of law are you interested in?
Who knows? I am working this summer researching affordable housing in Vancouver and across Canada. The constitutional and property law issues behind housing are very interesting, so I’ll see where that takes me. I went to a conference on Insolvency law in February that was really good, so I may try and pursue that. Overall though, I am in no rush to decide.

A fun fact about yourself…
I dressed up as Constitutionalism and the Rule of Law for Halloween.

What was your favourite part of Orientation Week?
The Welcome BBQ!

What was the best advice an upper year gave you when school started?
Work really hard for the December exams. (The December exams can be worth 25% of your final mark if you do worse in April).

What was the worst advice an upper year gave you when school started?
I was told to use other people’s old CANs (condensed annotated notes). I think that people rely on other peoples’ CANs too much. It may work for some people, but I think everyone needs to figure out their own method of studying.

What was your favourite part of first year?
Coffee, donuts and fruit every second Tuesday at break.

What was the most challenging part of first year?
I started the year with a part time job in September and October. Working about 15-20 hours a week is something I'd recommend more for 2nd or 3rd year rather than the beginning of law school.  

What was your favourite social event in first year?
Law Games. No doubt.

What would you do differently in 1L?
I would have been in more study groups.

What extracurriculars would you recommend to 1Ls?
Play sports. Basically just do what you like doing and are interested in, don’t do something for someone else or for some job. I have always loved sports so for me that was one of the main things I did. We had a law soccer team and basketball team; as well I played on my old high school soccer team. Join Canadian Lawyers Abroad!

What was your favourite class?  Favourite professor?
Property Law. Professor Edinger for Constitutional Law.

Any words of wisdom for the incoming 1Ls?
Don’t sell yourself short. Also, get to know your professors, they are the best.  

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