Today’s post is by 3L Roni Jones on student government at UBC Law. The LSS is involved in everything from afterschool bzzr-ups to curriculum reform. Roni will be around for Orientation Week if you have any questions or want information on how to get involved!
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My name is Roni, I am the President of the UBC Law Student Society (LSS) and I was asked to briefly describe what the LSS is and what we do. In being brief, the following description naturally does not do justice to the innumerable tasks handled by the volunteers who make up the LSS – so consider this to be just an introduction.
All undergraduate students enrolled in the UBC Faculty of Law are members of the LSS.
The LSS is split into three bodies: the Executive, the Academic Issues Caucus (AIC) and the Student Affairs Caucus (SAC).
The executive is made up of the President, the Vice Presidents of AIC and SAC, the Director of Finance, the Director of Communications, the Director of AMS Relations, the Director of Sports and Clubs, the Director of Indigenous Perspectives and Student Development, the Senator, and the Ombudsperson.
Together, the executive strives to represent the interests of all UBC law students through input from various student organizations as headed by the directors. The executive represents the student body to the faculty, to UBC, to the legal profession and to the general population.
AIC may run predominantly behind the scenes but is involved in some of the most important issues affecting all students. It deserves to be emphasized that AIC not only provides a voice for the student body but has a serious impact on the decisions that are made within the faculty.
Current issues include the recent decision to allow computerized exams, upcoming changes to admission policies, and AIC’s extensive input regarding the ongoing reform of curriculum. AIC has representatives from 1L, 2L and 3L who take part in various committees and provide a much needed voice for the student body.
SAC is the fun side of the LSS. Members of SAC organize social events for students such as bzzr-ups, foosball tournaments, BBQs, the boat cruise, the trike race and more. Many of these events are great settings to network with representatives from Canada’s top law firms while providing much deserved opportunities to unwind.
SAC is also in charge of all of the UBC Law Student Clubs. These clubs include sports teams, social interest groups, law related groups and various others. The LSS provides some funding to these clubs through student fees and fundraising and aids the clubs in their activities.
The LSS encourages the participation of all students and has many positions for 1L representatives. We strongly encourage you to take part and make the most of your law school experience. Stay tuned for a future blog post with elections details.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!
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