Monday, June 11, 2012

Illegal Beavers RFC

The Illegal Beavers RFC is one of the oldest clubs at UBC Law. Students have been playing rugby with the team for decades, with many alumni now working in Vancouver and across Canada. The Beavers represent UBC Law against other western law schools every year. Last year the team went to Calgary to face off against U of C and U of A, with another trip to Victoria to take on UVic. Other games include matches against the Beavers alumni, Vancouver Police Department, UBC Med, and the UBC junior varsity team.
With one of the largest memberships at the law school, joining the Beavers is a great way to get to know fellow students, as well as an excellent opportunity to establish future connections with the many alumni who will be future employers and colleagues. While we are obviously excited to have many rugby players join the team, new recruits are always welcome regardless of skill or experience. If you have never played rugby before, you are not the only one and we will bring you up to speed at practice.

The Beavers are also active off of the pitch. The Beavers run some of the school’s big parties and we also made a solid donation during Movember this past year, as well as volunteering to help out with the pub crawl at last year’s Law Games.

UBC Law also has a women’s touch rugby team to represent us against the other schools. The Honey Badgers, managed by Margaret MacDonald and Rachel Ward this coming year, are eager to see new members as they take on our western Canadian rivals on home turf this year. To contact them please email

For the men’s team, questions can be sent to
Whether joining the Beavers or the Honey Badgers, rugby at UBC Law is a great way to meet other law students, take time off from schoolwork, and be part of a long standing school tradition.

Looking forward to seeing some new faces out on the pitch this fall,
Alex Bjornson (2L)
President of the Illegal Beavers RFC

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