Friday, June 8, 2012

Student Perspectives: Interviews with Current UBC Law Students

Cassie Preston
Name: Cassie Preston
Year: 2L
Age: Not as old as Steve!
Hometown: Golden, BC

What did you do before law school?
After finishing my undergrad degree in Psychology at MacEwan in Edmonton, I worked for almost 2 years with kids with Autism for a small company. What I really did was play games with kids (play therapy) while sneaking in specific goals we wanted to work on, such as turn taking, eye contact, story telling, and occasionally some higher-level cognitive stuff.  

What area of law are you interested in?
I am interested in Environmental law and Aboriginal law, maybe Animal Welfare type law. I am definitely a social justice kind of person.

A fun fact about yourself…
In Canada, I have been to Alberta, BC, and Saskatchewan. Out of Canada, I’ve been to Japan, and Seattle.

What was your favourite part of Orientation Week?
Oh wow, that week was great, but it’s kind of a blur now. So much to do, so many people to meet! My favourite part though was the Welcome Ceremony, especially when Lieutenant Governor Steven Point spoke to us. I felt very honoured to be where I was at that moment.

What was the best advice an upper year gave you when school started? 
Stick to your preferred study method, don’t change just because other people are doing things differently.

What was the worst advice an upper year gave you when school started?
Nobody does the readings. Liars!

What was your favourite part of first year?
When Lola came to school with me! It was fun for me, she got lots of desperately needed attention, and she put smiles on everyone’s faces!

What was the most challenging part of first year?
Overall, the course load was pretty crazy, and keeping up with the readings generally was a challenge. The worst for me though was for keeping up in 2nd semester, I felt pretty burnt out.

What was your favourite social event in first year?
The boat cruise (I think).

What would you do differently in 1L?
Use class time more efficiently: instead of facebooking in class, that time is better spent CANning, I figured this out in March.

What extracurriculars would you recommend to 1Ls?
It depends on what you’re interested in, so no specific recommendation from me other than don’t add too much to your plate, no one likes a flake.

What was your favourite class?  Favourite professor?
My favourite class was Constitutional Law (first term Charter stuff). And my favourite professor hands down is Emma Cunliffe. She is amazing. She does so much to help her students learn, she even offered to Skype us if we needed to talk to her while she was out of the country!

Any words of wisdom for the incoming 1Ls?
Keeping up with the readings and studying are important but don’t spend all your time in the library, go out and have fun, you deserve it. 

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